This Texas Accredited Commercial Specialist (TACS) course is designed to prepare students for entry into the commercial real estate field by exposing them to the fundamentals of commercial real estate leasing, property development, and appraisal valuation methods. Students in this course will develop a comprehensive understanding of the CMA process and the various due diligence elements associated with representing commercial clients.

Dates: February 11, 12, 18 & 19 or March 1, 3, 8 & 10
Time: 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. (all four days)
Investment: $295

30 hours SAE or 10 hours CE credit (TREC Provider #001)

The Texas Accredited Commercial Specialist courses must be completed in order to complete this certification: TACS1, TACS2 & TACS3

Please confirm your eligibility and review the requirements necessary to earn this designation by visiting or contacting the HAR Professional Development Dept.

Register HERE today!