We have developed a recommendation system that allows agents to invite past customers and clients to share their feedback or provide testimonials.
The public and other agents can post recommendations to any agent’s profile. Those recommendations are subject to an approval process, and agents can both approve or deny any submitted recommendations.
Agents logged into HAR.com can recommend other agents and request that they to recommend them from their profile page, among other areas.
The “Recommendation” page will also be available for the general public, accessible via the “Recommend” button on the agent’s website or profile. Agents can also ask to be recommended through email or text message.
Consumers will need to fill out how they know the agent before any recommendation is submitted, to help them decide if they want to show the recommendation.
The same screen can be used for agents to ask other agents to recommend them, as well. A message will be sent to that agent to recommend their peer. The receiving agent can then place a recommendation or ignore the other agent. All recommendations, regardless of type, will go through an approval process before going public. Agents will receive an email and can approve or disapprove at that time.
Agents have a variety of ways to invite their customers or colleagues for a recommendation including links, website widgets or Client Experience Rating invitations.
HAR’s Technology team has created a wide array of powerful technology tools to help our MLS Platinum members get the most out of their membership and their Platinum subscription. At HAR, we are committed to your continued success!
How to Access
Search “Recommendation” inside the Member’s Only Area.