Realist® is scheduled to become available to all MLS subscribers on Wednesday, March 5 in both Tempo and Fusion. The Realist® system is easy to use for those looking to do a basic tax record search but also provides additional features for those that want to take advantage of more advanced functionality like map based searches or access to in depth property data, community information and trend data. Users looking for a quick and easy solution will likely find themselves taking advantage of additional features that are not available in our current tax system. The Stewart Tax system will continue to be available for the next few months as members learn the new Realist® system.
The intuitive user interface allows users to view search results in a grid view, map view or split screen displaying the map and grid. The dynamic search results grid gives users full control over column sorting, column reordering and adding/removing columns from grid results as well as the ability to select and narrow down search results. From the search results users can print or email reports, export property records to Excel or create mailing labels. The system is highly configurable, allowing users to create and save their own property search forms and search results grid.
Click here to view video tutorials that explore each section of the Realist® system.
Prefer a free, hands-on experience? Click here for course availability.