Must be a member in good standing whose HAR dues have been paid by April 30, 2024.
Applications will be accepted beginning May 9, 2024.

DEADLINE TO APPLY: JUNE 10, 2024 at 5 p.m.


All Candidate Profile Pages and Videos Will Be Uploaded on the Same Day After the Deadline to File

While serving on the HAR Board of Directors is a rewarding experience, there are also expectations that come along with it.

Board Member Responsibilities Include:

  • Attendance at Board meetings:  Any Director failing to attend any four regular meetings of the Board of Directors with or without excuse in any calendar year shall automatically be removed from the Board of Directors.
  • Attendance at the annual two-day strategic leadership conference, which will be held in Galveston to help shape the Association’s direction for the upcoming year.
  • A consideration to invest in TREPAC.
  • Serve as an ambassador of the Association to promote HAR’s products, tools and services and provide information to your firm and the real estate community at large
  • Participation in HAR activities throughout the year.

If you are prepared to commit your time, talents and passion to make a difference by being a part of HAR’s leadership team and meet all of the eligibility requirements, today is the day to apply for one of the HAR director positions. To submit your candidacy, you must go to and complete the Director Candidacy Notification Form and the Candidate Questionnaire by June 10 at 5 p.m.

You may also submit a candidate video to accompany your profile by following the video guidelines found HERE. All candidate profile pages and videos will be uploaded on the same day after the deadline to file.



Section 3.D. The candidate receiving the highest number of votes in each Director position category shall be declared elected for a two year term. If there are more director candidates from the same firm who are elected than are eligible to serve, the elected candidate(s) receiving the most votes among such elected candidate(s) from the same firm shall be elected.

Such candidates elected are sometimes referred to herein as Directors-Elect. In case of a tie in any Director position in the election, the selection shall be made by lot.

Section 5. ELIGIBILITY. Any member in good standing whose dues have been paid as of April 30 of the current year may seek election to the Board of Directors for a Director position category specified in Section 2 for which he or she is eligible; provided, however, a Past President/Chairman shall not be eligible to seek election to the Board of Directors. A Member may only seek election to the Board of Directors from one category of Director positions. No single firm can have more than two directors on the Board of Directors at any time; provided, however, this limitation shall not apply to Officers and elected directors with changed circumstances as described in Section

4. If a single firm will have the maximum number of directors serving during the year following an election, no member from such firm will be eligible to seek election to the Board of Directors. If a candidate is no longer eligible to seek the director position in the category for which they are running at any time before the election concludes at 5 p.m. on the first Monday in August, such candidate will not be eligible for election.

Candidate Category Description

For each option ONE (1) director shall be elected for a two-year term. Candidate eligibility is based on association records on April 30, 2024.


  • LARGEST FIRMS (firms having 700 or more REALTOR® Members)
  • LARGE FIRMS (firms having 100-699 REALTOR® Members)
  • MEDIUM FIRMS (firms having 10-99 REALTOR® Members)
  • SMALL FIRMS (firms having 1-9  REALTOR® Members)
  • COMMERCIAL MEMBERS REALTOR® Members primarily engaged in Commercial Real Estate (“Primarily” means 90% of the dollar volume of transaction are commercial for the prior calendar year.)


REALTOR® Members, Life Members, Institute Affiliate Members or Affiliate Members having his or her office location in one of the following geographic areas: (Southeast and Northeast Districts to be elected in alternate years)

A) Northwest District: The area between IH-45 North. Loop 610 and IH-10 West;
B) Southwest District: The area between IH-10 West. Loop 610 and SH 288 South;
C) Central District: The area within Loop 610

(See map of districts below.)

GEOGRAPHIC DISTRICTS: Northwest, Southwest & Central


  1. All candidate questionnaire fields are required and must be completed before a candidate is added to the ballot.
  2. Candidates should have leadership experiences such as serving on NAR, TR Committees, HAR Advisory, area networking, PAAL’s groups, institutes, counsels, societies, or community and civic groups.
  3. Candidates may not send a group or a ‘slate’ of endorsements without written permission of each candidate endorsed.  Failure to do so may lead to being removed from the ballot.
  4. Emailed or texted candidate endorsements must be sent from a clearly identifiable member’s email address or text. Any reference to “HAR” in any form may not be included in the sender’s email address. Failure to comply may be subject to removal from the ballot.
  5. All candidates agree to watch a pre-produced board of directors orientation prior to application submission.
  6. Additional guidelines related to use of “campaign materials”:
    a. Campaign materials shall not state or imply that HAR supports or endorses a candidate’s election in any manner.
    b. Campaign materials shall not use or contain the HAR trademark or logo in any manner.
    c. There must be identification on all campaign materials of the person or entity responsible for their publication.
    d. There shall be no automated texting of campaign materials to any member unless the candidate has the member’s written consent to receive such a text and in compliance with applicable federal law such as the Telephone Consumer Protection Act.


  • “Campaign materials” means any information about a candidate or the election publicly displayed or disseminated in any manner to another person or entity.
  • Board members are not permitted to receive compensation as a paid HAR instructor.

Deadlines & Dates

  • Deadline to complete and submit Candidate Notification Form is June 10,2024.
  • Deadline to submit video is July 12, 2024.
  • Voting for the annual election will begin on July 30 and conclude at 5 p.m. on Monday, August 5, 2024.

Questions?  |  713 629-1900 ext. 1222