You are invited to attend the H-GAC’s June Brown Bag Series presentation. Mr. Eddie Haas and
Mr. Dan Sefko with Freese and Nichols will be leading a Brown Bag presentation on
rough proportionality at H-GAC offices.
The establishment of “rough proportionality” stems from a 2004 Texas Supreme Court
case that ruled exactions by municipalities must be proportional to the impacts created
by development proposals on city infrastructure. Now codified in Chapter 212 of the
Texas Local Government Codes, the onus is placed on municipalities to prove the
appropriateness of exactions if requested by a developer. This presentation discusses
the implications of rough proportionality and a method for determining the
appropriateness of exaction on roadway facilities. An overview of legal implications and
ramifications is presented as a prelude to sample cases illustrating methods of
determination for various infrastructure components.
*** 1 ½ hours of AICP certification maintenance credits (legal) are being sought for
this program.
When: Monday, June 20, at noon
Where: H-GAC offices, 3555 Timmons Lane, Houston, TX in Room A
Bring your lunch and join us!
Feel free to extend this invitation to others. Contact Chandra Bondzie, 713-993-2439, or Meredith Alberto, 713-993-
2438, with inquires, comments, or to submit an abstract for a future presentation.