The HAR TREPAC Global Dinner destination #2…A Taste of Italy was held the evening of May 1, 2024, at Bari Ristorante in River Oaks. Our 2024 TREPAC Chair, Tina Wilcher, kicked off this event with a group photo. Next, she extended a warm welcome to all guests and recognized our sponsors: Filmop USA, NRL Mortgage and Independence Title. Then, Tina turned it over to our Host Ambassadors Mario and Cristina Arriaga. Cristina’s native country is Italy. Cristina shared her beautiful country’s language, food, traditions, and fun facts. Eighty people attended this lovely event on the patio very similar to dining Italian style. All left the event very full of knowledge, authentic foods, and touched by the Arriagas. The five-course meal was ended with a toast of Italian dessert wine, and everyone said cheers in Italian: Cin, Cin!

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