Dynamic List of Available Resources for HAR Members Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic (Updated July 20, 2020 at 8:55 a.m.)

Vaccine Tracker:
On Monday, May 18, Governor Greg Abbott ordered the beginning of Phase 2 of his plan to open up Texas. Some businesses are now allowed to open, while others have been granted occupancy increases. Businesses that can reopen immediately include childcare centers, massage/personal care/beauty services, youth clubs, gyms/exercise facilities, manufacturers, and office-based employees. On May 22, bars, bowling alleys, bingo halls, skating rinks, rodeo and equestrian events, zoos, aquariums, and natural caverns can open. On May 31, day and overnight youth camps, professional sports without in-person spectators, and youth sports can reopen. For a full-list and for Open Texas Checklists for operators and consumers, please visit HERE.
On Monday, April 27, Governor Greg Abbott released a plan to open up Texas again in phases. Phase 1 will start Friday, May 1 and permits the opening of all retail stores, restaurants, movie theatres, and malls. They must limit their capacity to 25% of their listed occupancy. The full Governor’s Report to Open Texas is available HERE.
Harris County has issued a 30-Day rule on face coverings as of Monday, April 27. As recommended by the CDC anyone over the age of 10 should have their nose and mouth covered with some kind of mask, cloth, or garment.
If you are sick and think you may have Coronavirus symptoms, stay home and call your healthcare provider. The CDC provides information on how to protect yourself during this time and what to do if you are sick.
The Harris County Department of Public Health has information on where to get tested if you think you have Coronavirus as well as a worldwide and county wide tracker of current Coronavirus cases.
If you need any type of assistance concerning Health or Community services, call 211 or (877) 541-7905 and the Texas Department of Health and Human Services will assist you.
Houston’s FREE COVID-19 drive-thru testing sites are available to ANYONE, regardless of symptoms. Call 832-393-4220 to be provided an access code and instructions on where to go. 832-393-4220 is Houston’s COVID-19 Call Center for anything COVID-19 related. Visit https://houstonemergency.org/covid19/ for more information and where to go.