With hurricane season underway, the Houston Association of Realtors® (HAR) is sponsoring a public service campaign with Clear Channel Outdoor to remind residents that now is the time to purchase flood insurance.

On June 6, HAR Chair Thomas Mouton and HAR President and CEO Bob Hale were joined by Houston Mayor John Whitmire and many City Council Members at the unveiling of the newly-launched HAR flood insurance campaign in partnership with Clear Channel Outdoor. There will be more than 150 billboards, both traditional and digital units, in the Greater Houston area. The messages will be in English and Spanish and direct residents to HAR.com/flood for more information on how to purchase insurance and assess their flood risk.

With more than 80 major storms in the past several decades, it is almost certain to happen again. More than 70% of homes that flooded during Hurricane Harvey did not have flood insurance.

For resources and information to help your clients assess their flood risk and how to reduce it, visit HAR.com/flood.