Local, state, and nationally, 2015 brought much success to the REALTOR® Party. This success could not have been achieved without the dedication of our valuable REALTOR® volunteers who serve on HAR’s Political Affairs Advisory Group (PAAG), Governmental Affairs Advisory Group (GAAG), and Political Affairs Advisory Leadership (PAAL) in the Bay Area and Fort Bend and Montgomery Counties. Below are highlights of members involved in the political process, in partnership with staff, who strive to make a positive difference in their communities.

Volunteers serving on the PAAG, led by Suzanne Page-Pryde, met early in the year for an orientation which covered HAR’s political process, candidate interviews, and their influence to help elect Realtor-friendly candidates at all levels of government.

PAAG volunteers met with friendly incumbent Houston City Council Member Ellen Cohen (center) – March 2015.

Following a tour of the Port of Houston aboard the Sam Houston, the HAR Board of Directors and PAAG and GAAG volunteers visited with Port of Houston Real Estate Director R. D. Tanner and Houston City Council Member Michael Kubosh – April 2015.

HAR PAAG volunteer Marsha Fisk was appointed to serve on the Houston Ethics Commission. This photo was taken outside the Council Chambers with Houston Council Member Larry Green, Marsha Fisk, and HAR Chief Political Strategist Dana Kervin – June 2015.

Montgomery County PAAL Chair Deborah Spangler (center) led the meeting with former State Rep. Steve Toth and former The Woodlands Township Director Nelda Luce Blair to hear both sides of the Montgomery County road bond election.

Bay Area PAAL Chair Troy Cothran (right) introduced Pearland City Council Member Keith Ordeneaux and presented him with a TREPAC contribution to support his re-election at the Pearland-Alvin-Friendswood lunch held at Golfcrest Country Club – May 2015.

Harris County Commissioner Steve Radack with HAR table guests following his presentation at the Houston Realty Business Coalition breakfast meeting – August 2015.

PAAG and GAAG volunteers received special recognition and were presented with a Mayoral Proclamation at City Hall with Houston Mayor Annise Parker and Council Members Brenda Stardig and Ed Gonzalez – September 2015.

PAAG Chair Suzanne Page-Pryde with HAR recommended candidate and now Houston City Council Member-Elect Greg Travis at Tony’s Restaurant, the location of the Major TREPAC Investor Dinner. – August 2015

Fort Bend PAAL volunteers met with Fort Bend County Commissioner James Patterson and Missouri City Council Member Yolanda Ford to learn about the Fort Bend facilities bond election – October 2015.

HAR members are excited to arrive in Austin for a day of visiting with state legislators on real estate-related legislation such as TREC, property taxes, appraisals, and licensing.

Realtors from across Texas line the hallways of the Capitol Annex to meet one-on-one with their state lawmaker to help pass laws to lower property taxes and real estate broker fees – April 2015.

HAR Director John Nugent and Billy and Marilyn Burt visit with State Rep. Greg Bonnen outside a committee room in the State Capitol – April 2015.

Montgomery County PAAL Chair Deborah Spangler with Texas Senator Brandon Creighton at the Elected Officials Meet & Greet held at Smith & Wollensky in Highland Village– October 2015.

State Representative Dan Huberty and Senator John Whitmire are greeted by Bill Edge and Janice Jamail-Garvis at HAR’s Elected Officials Meet & Greet – October 2015.

Between congressional visits, HAR members and staff gathered for a photo outside the U. S. Capitol – May 2015.

GAAG Local Issues Chair and Federal Political Coordinator Shad Bogany introduces Congressman Al Green at Tortilla Coast in Washington, D. C. – May 2015.

GAAG State and Federal Chair and Federal Political Coordinator DeLora Wilkinson introduced Congressman Ted Poe during congressional visits in Washington, D. C. – May 2015.

Realtors meet with Homeland Security Chairman Michael McCaul in his office in Washington, D.C. during the D. C. Hill Visits – May 2015.

NAR Federal Political Coordinator Vicki Fullerton (front) ensures that Congressman Kevin Brady receives a warm REALTOR® welcome upon his arrival for congressional visits at Tortilla Coast in Washington, D. C. – May 2015.

Congressman Pete Olson (seated-right) is surrounded by his Congressional District 22 supporters, including Federal Political Coordinators Shad Bogany and Danny Frank, during congressional visits at Tortilla Coast – May 2015.

Congressman Brian Babin received a welcoming introduction from his Federal Political Coordinator Jeanie Turk (center-left).

Congressman Randy Weber is surrounded by power houses, Christi Borden, DeLora Wilkinson, Vicki Fullerton, Jeanie Turk, and Jo Ann Stevens – May 2015.

Federal Political Coordinator John Nichols, with federal issues packet in hand, asks for Congressman John Culberson support on real-estate related legislation – May 2015.

Following Ward Arendt’s introduction, Congressman Gene Green, holding NAR briefing papers, shares his perspectives with HAR members gathered at Tortilla Coast eager to hear from their Members of Congress – May 2015.

Louisiana Congressman Charles Boustany visited with TREPAC Trustees and PAAG volunteers during his stop-over in Houston – September 2015.

Federal Political Coordinator Gerald Womack coordinated a meeting with Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, TREPAC Trustees, and PAAG volunteers at HAR – October 2015.
HAR’s reputation in the community and among elected officials is second to none in terms of respect and influence. With teamwork, we can keep it that way. One of the Association’s primary objectives has always been and will continue to be to protect and promote the REALTOR® profession. This includes the careers and businesses of HAR members, the marketplace in which they practice, and the concept and freedoms created by private property ownership and possession. REALTOR® volunteers serving on the PAAG, GAAG, and PAAL play an important role in the achievement of this objective.
The key to HAR’s success in the governmental affairs arena is for REALTORS® to engage in HAR’s political process. Through our combined efforts, we can positively influence the outcome of an election or an issue. It is only through engagement that REALTORS® are able to make an impact and help enact policies that will enhance the rights of property owners and ultimately protect the REALTOR® profession.
Thank you so much for your volunteerism and dedication to your communities and to the REALTOR® cause!
We look forward to working with you again next year!