We recently passed the one-year mark of Matrix becoming the primary MLS system for HAR members and as the memories of Tempo and Fusion fade we wanted to review some of the Matrix enhancements made throughout 2018.

As anticipated, in the first year of any new MLS system implementation there were many tweaks and changes made to better serve our subscribers.  HAR is thankful for the many members that provided feedback for system improvements and for the MLS Advisory Group who reviews these requests.  In addition to the many database changes, system configuration changes and report changes made this year the items below were the most visible.

Real Estate Teams in Matrix and HAR.com

In response to the growing popularity of real estate teams HAR developed and made available new “Team” features and functionality in Matrix and HAR.com.  Agents working as a team can now set up a “Team Profile” on HAR.com and have their Team Name displayed on listings on HAR.com and Matrix.  Teams can also choose settings that allow team members to send emails from Matrix on behalf of the team.

Reverse Prospecting Feature

One of our most popular new features added to Matrix this year, Reverse Prospecting helps listing agents identify and communicate with other agents who have clients with search criteria that matches the listing agent’s listing.   Reverse Prospecting keeps buyer agents’ client contact info confidential while helping listing agents identify agents with interested buyers.

Text and Social Media Sharing

Expanded school boundary coverage from 1,200 to 2,110 schools.