On May 15, the 2024 HAR Technology Summit at Pinstripes Houston brought together more than 200 real estate agents to explore the future of their industry. Hosted by the Houston Association of REALTORS® and Social Media Strategist Katie Lance, the event was a showcase of how technology is transforming real estate.

Katie Lance kicked off the summit with strategies for crafting effective social media plans, emphasizing the importance of platforms like Instagram and LinkedIn. Attendees were particularly excited about the latest AI marketing tools, which promise to revolutionize client interactions and market predictions.

HAR’s new AI tools were another highlight, with interactive sessions demonstrating their potential to enhance property listings, virtual tours, and client management. These tools are set to give agents a competitive edge in 2024 and beyond.

The summit also provided valuable networking opportunities, allowing professionals to exchange ideas and form connections. The event was a vital step in helping agents harness technology to elevate their business in the digital age.